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..:: Galau?! Hanya dengan mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenang ::..

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

'Hands-off' Tapak Wali Indonesia (TWI)

Bismillah. How are you men?
I am typing this story for an assignment from the iCan Course to write down a hijrah story on blog. Okay, I will tell you about my hijrah story regarding leaving studying inner power and mysticism. I also hope that it will not be an unfaedah story. May Allah forgive us all.

What is the inner power?
How is it mysticism? it fast! :)

Formerly, in my junior school era, grade 9, I entered a community or organization of breathe training named Tapak Wali Indonesia. Perhaps the people of Sulawesi do not feel strange with this organization. Maybe..

This organization has a very good purpose in my opinion. That is to nurture and to train mental of the members, including mental of spirituality. In addition, this is also as a defense effort if getting danger.

In moment when I was the active member, we were practicing 3 to 4 times per week from 8.00 to 10.00 evening. As long as I became member, including the training, we were taught to pray and put our trust in God, not to be arrogant, not to commit crimes, to obey the government, etc. In visible, this is well. Keep reading guys..!

In the middle of my high school journey, I began to feel uncomfortable with the way that the prayers inserted into the training movement. There are some obstacles in my heart. Each movement we were taught to pray releasing from some disorder such as disease, difficulty in life, problems, or genie’s annoyance. I also began to feel something was wrong when the meeting ended. We shook each other even though different gender. Plus, we were taught to make “rajah” (a kind of compiled Arabic letters) that are intended for example to multiply the harvest, to keep the house safe, and so on. This is the big error in my mind that day. This is syirk as we know today, making “rajah”. Too many of the syari’ah laws are actually violated, excluding I have not mentioned. Really for it.. May Allah forgive us.

Further, we were impressed with the 'Guru Besar' who seemed knowing the mysterious things and able to do something magical with its power, such as filling the water, filling the object, knowing the unseen (ghaib) thing, and so on. Oh.. Also you know, we were taught like that! I feel guilty because many people I have invited and taught too.
" Nastaghfirullah wa natubu ilaih, we seek forgiveness of Allah and we repent unto Him. There is no one who know the unseen (ghaib), except Allah and messenger whom He chooses. Many verses in the Qur'an say that no one knows the unseen, except Allah. But many people nowadays claim that they may know the unseen things. Is this a form of challenging Al-Qur’an?! "

On my facebook, these are some picture that I have uploaded 6 years ago about Tapak Wali when I was still senior high school:
Taking by handphone in Kendari

All this foolishness I have done because I didn't know or lack of understanding the laws of Islam. May Allah forgive me related to this foolish thing I have been done. On the guidance of Allah, little by little, alhamdulillah I knew all these are a deviation, syirkness, innovation in Islam, etc. So when I was studying in college, I finally decided to get out of this organization. Today I declare: "I get out from Tapak Wali Indonesia". 

The last, we ask Allah to forgive all our sins before we die. I am very sorry. Hopefully the other members and teachers in Tapak Wali as well, Allah gives him guidance so they get out. There are too many deviations and digressions in it. Hopefully one day, I can make a special note about the deviation of it. Wallahu waliyyuttaufiq, only God grants success.

Tuesday morning @ RKB
Surabaya, 20 February 2018/4 Jumadi Ats-Tsani 1439 H

(Dipersilahkan untuk diterjemahkan di Google Translate bila terdapat kendala dalam memahami teks di atas, saya mohon maaf..)

#assignment #argumentative


2 komentar:

  1. After reading your article, I found out that sometimes we did something that will be regretted in the future just because of our lack of knowledge. Keep spirits, young man.
