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Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

Causative Verbs

The english verbs; make, haveletget, and help, are called causative verbs because they CAUSE something else to happen.

For the causative verb MAKE, the verb is used to FORCE or require someone to take an action (maksa neeeh).
The structure is usually like this: 
MAKE + PERSON + VERB (base form)
My company doesn't make us come to work at a certain time. So I can take care of my child at home.
"I make you laugh", is it causative?
This is not considered as causative. 
Karena make disitu sudah berlaku sebagai verb di kalimat tsb. 
Sedangkan untuk causative verb selalu diikuti lagi oleh verb (take a look at the structure).
In the sentence "I make you laugh"
The word "make" there is the verb of the sentence, just like any other sentences that have "S+V" as the structure. 
But the word "make" in your sentence is not considered as causative verb because the structure and the use is also different 
In causative verb, the word make is used when you force someone to do something, and the structure is followed by person and another verb (see the example I gave you) 
Also in your case, "I make you laugh" doesn't mean you FORCE that someone to laugh right? Hehe.

2. HAVE 
The verb is used to GIVE SOMEONE ELSE THE RESPONSIBILITY to do something. 
The structure is usually like this: 
HAVE + PERSON + VERB (base form)
An example for each structure, 
When it deals with person:
- I'll have my assistant call you to reschedule the appoinment. 
- Every year, teachers have their student's parents come in to the school meeting. 
- The headmaster had the teacher correct the student's assignment.
When it deals with things:
We are having our house painted this weekend.

3. LET
The verb is used to PERMIT something to happen. 
The structure is usually like this: 
LET + PERSON/THING + VERB (base form)
My company lets me work remotely, so I don't have to go into the office

4. GET
The verb is used to CONVINCE or ENCOURAGE someone to do something.
The structure is usually like this:
GET + PERSON + TO + VERB (base form)
How can we get this company to agree to work with us?

The verb is used to ASSIST someone in doing something 
The structure is usually like this:
HELP + PERSON + VERB (base form)
He helped me carry the boxes. 
Reading before bed helps me relax.

MAHAL (Make, Have, and Let) have the same structure, yaitu selalu diikuti oleh VERB (base form) 
Sedangkan yang lain diikuti oleh "to Infinitive" (to + V1)
The businessman had his secretary make copies of the report.
How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?
The difference is GET is used only to encourage people to do something
Hanya digunakan untuk mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.... seperti contoh di atas hehe 
Sedangkan HAVE digunakan untuk konteks yg lebih formal yaitu saat kita memberi pekerjaan atau tanggung jawab kepada seseorang
"Make mistakes now so you dont have to suffer later"
Choose the best answer.
1. We need to somehow ...... companies to respect the employee.
    A. get
    B. let
2. Every year, teachers ...... their students' parents come in to the school meeting.
    A. have
    B. make
3. I did not ..... his child use too much gadget.
    A. get
    B. let
4. The head master ........ the teacher correct the students' assignment.
    A. had
    B. gets
5. I finally ....... my child to pray 5 times a day. Alhamdulillah.
    A. made
    B. got
6. Don't ....... your kids play violent video games.
    A. make
    B. let
7. My company ....... me work remotely, so I don't have to go into the office.
    A. lets
    B. make
8. My company doesn't ......... us come to work at a certain time. So I can take care of my child at home. Alhamdulillah.
   A. make
   B. let
9. How can we ....... this company to agree to work with us?
    A. have
    B. get
10. I ....... him tell me the secret how she make his child 'hafidzah' (people who memorized Qur'an).
    A. made
    B. will get

The answers:
1- get
2- have
3- let
4- had
5- got
6- let
7- lets
8- make
9- get
10- will get

Pelajaran di atas disate dari grup kelas iCan Course (, dengan sudah minta izin dahulu kepada admin., biar lebih mudah mempelajarinya ulang..


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