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..:: Galau?! Hanya dengan mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenang ::..

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

Pass Your New Year's Eve with Your Own Record Guys!

What the cause of many people celebrate a new year?
Perhaps it’s because the last number of year was changing. True, but many reason more exactly. If we look a day before and after a new year’s eve, we can find there are no differences between it. You still like your daily basis and me too. My height hasn’t changed. My weight hasn’t changed. My time hasn’t increased. And my money too.. ^^  Consider our new year’s eve like every night normally. Something meaningless and exactly nothing special.. This isn't because I’m single. Sorry, you’re wrong.

So, why we do something meaningless? Something which is the prophet, his companions, and the scholars not doing it. More, they didn’t give recommendation to do it. In fact, the celebration like that imitated the celebration day of other religions. Didn’t Rasulullah prohibit us for imitated the habits of unbelievers?  

Let’s think guys! The celebration day itself in our religion is just two, ‘Idul Fithri and ‘Idul Adha. No more. So, keep calm guys. Pass your 31/12 with normal activity, just like your night regularly. Go back and sleep. There's nothing happened. If you want, make your own record guys. Yap, you will be sleeping one year! From 2016-2017. So wonderful guys! This is joke. 

With deeply breath, I call myself and you guys standing in straight path. Where’s the straight path? The path who Allah and his messenger have been showing for us. Please don’t make other paths, because certainly it’s nothing straight. You will be juggling and cycling there guys. Follow Allah's commands and sunnah of Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.

May Allah bless us and grant us The Paradise Jannah Al-Firdaus. Aamiin.


Surabaya, 3 Rabi’ Ats-Saniy 1438 H/December 31th 2016
Wawan Ahmad

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